In today’s world, bags are like an essential product in our lives like wheels. They are not going to go away from our lives in near future. On the top of that due to increase awareness of global environment people prefer to use reusable paper bags to the substitution of plastic bags that are not reusable.
Paper Bags are repeatedly used so they became a huge source of marketing. The best part is that you can get paper bags in low cost compare to its huge benefits to your business organization. The paper bag is shown to the whole family, friends, all shoppers around the store and probably to customer’s work colleagues as well. Your brand can utilize this marketing channel efficiently by deciding the material of the Shopping bag carefully.
Handle of a bag plays a vital role in the paper bag performance not just in presentation case but in performance as well. If a handle is strong and going good, customer can utilize the paper bag not just for month but for more than one year due to its strong strength. On the other hand of the paper bag handles are made aesthetically attractive it would made the buyer more biased to use the paper bag more often because he/she likes it. When the buyer uses paper bag with attractive handle around, it would attract more customers that can be seen as potential future buyers. If the paper bags become successful to attract the potential buyers with its handle performance as well as handle style and design, he would definitely tend to buy your product in future.
Lots of business has transferred their main attention to market through the use of packaging and paper bags. Your business can market its product through ‘bagvertising’. This is the new term derive from advertising specifically done from the use bags. Lots of the brands are using different techniques with handles to advertise about their brand qualities and brand image. This also helps to increase the awareness of public about your brand. Below are some examples to make paper bags more attractive by using their hangers creatively.
The first picture above shows the marketing way utilizing hanger by a clothing brand to show that after shopping they are increasing the things in their wardrobes. The second mug brand has utilized its paper bag creatively to attract customer attention. In third picture, an electronic product company has used the handles differently to depict the whole nature of the product they sell.